Garrick Green

Infant School

11th December 2023 Emerald, Teal & Sage

Habitats and weight


Year 1

In phonics this week we have been recapping all the sounds we know. We have focussed on the “wh” and “ph” sounds in particular. We are really encouraging the children to look and say the sound as a whole rather than say the individual letters first.

Words we have been reading this week are:










Year 2

This week we have been recapping the digraphs that make an /ai/ sound- ai, ay and a_e.

This week’s spellings are…












We will also be using dictionaries to help us put words into alphabetical order. We know that we can look at the first letter of each word but if this is the same we need to look at the next letter.


Science Project - Habitats

This week we have been sorting animals based on what they eat- herbivores, omnivores and carnivores. We used a Venn diagram to show our findings and found that lots of woodland animals are omnivores! Next we learned about food chains and how they start with a producer. We know that each part of a food chain relies on the other. We carried out a camouflage moth investigation after learning about how prey animals adapt and we will be learning about the different ways plants adapt to stop them being eaten by animals.



Year 1

The children have continued to learn about “first, then and now” stories but this week we have been focussing on finding the missing part. We practised finding the missing part with addition to begin with and then tried subtraction stories. Here is one to try at home.

 At the end of the week we started to think about balancing. We became a human balance and compared objects, then used the words heavier and lighter to describe what we knew.


Year 2

This week has been all about weight/mass. We have been comparing parcels to find out which is heavier / lighter; measuring in grams using 1g, 10g and 100g weights; measuring in kilograms using 1kg weights; reading scales. As part of your home learning you could have a look at the weight of different food items and put them in order from lightest to heaviest or you could practise your weighing skills and make something delicious!

You could also try these interactive scales-


Monday 18th are the Christmas discos.

Year 1 - 415-515pm

Year 2 - 530-630pm


The last day of term is Wednesday 20th December at 3pm. Don’t forget to wear your comfy clothes on the last day of school in return for a suggested donation of £1 to FOGG.


We return to school on Thursday 4th January


Emerald Class - PE days are changing to Monday and Tuesday

Teal Class - PE days are changing to Tuesday and Thursday