16th December 2024 Emerald, Teal & Sage
Weight, weighing & Jesus as a gift from God
Year 1
In phonics this week we have been recapping all the sounds we know. We have focussed on the “wh” and “ph” sounds in particular. We are really encouraging the children to look and say the sound as a whole rather than say the individual letters first.
Words we have been reading this week are:
Year 2
This week we have been recapping the digraphs that make an /ee/ sound- ee or ea.
This week’s spellings are…
Year 1
This week is all about weight and mass. We have learned what these words mean and held objects to see which is heavier and lighter. We used ourselves to become balances and then used this knowledge to compare objects using a balance scale.
We have also sorted objects from heaviest to lightest.
For your home learning you could:
Compare your favourite toys - which is the heaviest or lightest?
Make a cake using an egg to balance. (recipe below)
Ingredients: caster sugar, butter, eggs, self-raising flour, lemons, baking powder.
Place the egg on one side of the balance scale.
Balance the sugar with the egg then pour the sugar in a bowl.
Balance the butter with the egg then add the butter to the sugar.
Cream the butter and sugar.
Zest the lemon and mix it with the butter and sugar cream.
Balance the flour with the egg then add it to the bowl.
Add a teaspoon of baking powder to the bowl.
Crack the egg into the bowl and mix all the ingredients together.
Place the mixture in cup cake cases.
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees celsius and place cakes in the oven for 15 minutes.
Year 2
This week has been all about weight/mass. We have been comparing parcels to find out which is heavier / lighter; measuring in grams using 1g, 10g and 100g weights; measuring in kilograms using 1kg weights; reading scales. As part of your home learning you could have a look at the weight of different food items and put them in order from lightest to heaviest or you could practise your weighing skills and make something delicious!
You could also try these interactive scales- https://www.teacherled.com/2015/02/04/reading-scales-mass/
This week we have been focusing on Christianity and the question Why do Christians believe God gave Jesus to the world? We will be learning to reflect on the Christmas story and the reasons for Jesus’ birth and also answering the question ‘How do I show love to the world?’
We have our trip to the theatre Tuesday 17th December. Please send children to school in normal uniform.
Wednesday 18th December is Christmas dinner day
The last day of term is Friday 20th December and we return to school on Tuesday 7th January