Garrick Green

Infant School

16th October 2023 Emerald, Teal & Sage

Shapes, still life art and independent writing activities 


Year 1

This week we have been revising the “ar” sound. The children have sorted “ar” words and blended them to read. They have also been practising writing words containing the “ar” sound and putting them into sentences.

Here are this week’s spellings:












Year 2

This week we have been learning the ea digraph but making a short /e/ sound rather than a long /ee/ sound. Here are this week’s spellings to read and write at home…












This week we have been pulling together all the things we have learnt over the last two weeks and getting the children to do some independent writing. We have been creating our own wolf-inspired stories and writing recipes for broccoli and cheese soup.

We will end the week with some performance poetry on wolves to share all the lovely language we have learnt.



Year 1

This week we have been learning about 2D shapes. We have sorted and named the shapes circle, triangle, rectangle and square. We have used these shapes to make pictures and created repeating patterns with them. Finally, we have thought about the properties of each shape and used this to make our own 2D shapes.


Year 2

This week has been all about shape. We recapped on the difference between 2D and 3D shapes and refreshed our memory with the names of common 2D and 3D shapes.

Then we learnt how to count the sides of 2D shapes, identify if they are straight or curved and to count the vertices (corners, where 2 sides meet).

Next we learnt about symmetry and used mirrors to explore and find things which are and aren’t symmetrical. During half-term why not go out and about and identify the shapes of things? Are these symmetrical? 


Art Project - Still Life

This week we have become artists. We visited an art gallery in teal class and learnt about some famous still life paintings and the artists that created them. Can your children remember any of these? We compared still life paintings, looking at the themes (food, music, time), colours (bright, dull, warm, cold), textures (rough or smooth), composition (what's at the front/back). 


Then we used play-dough, paint and sketching to focus on shape, form, texture and colour to create our own artwork. As part of your home learning, you could compose your own still life art using objects from the home and have a go at sketching or painting it.


Thank you to all parents who were able to attend our reading events this half-term. Please remember to read as regularly as possible and make it part of your daily routine. If you have any concerns or questions, please speak to your class teacher. Attached are the reading comprehensions from the Year 2 event.



MONDAY 30TH OCTOBER -After half term, please can the children bring in their oldest cuddly toy for our English work. Thank you 🙂


We finish for half term on Friday 20th October and return on Monday 30th October.


FOGG have a Halloween shop after school in the hall on Friday 20th October


Please sign up for parent - teacher meetings via Scopay. The meetings will be held on Monday 6th November 2.00pm - 5.00pm and Tuesday 7th November 4.00pm - 6.30pm for all classes.


The children have all worked incredibly hard this half-term- thank you for all of your help and support. Have a wonderful half-term, and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday 30th October.