Garrick Green

Infant School

20th November 2023 Emerald, Teal & Sage

Goldilocks, subtraction & maps


Year 1

This week we are learning about how to use the “ss” and “zz” sounds. Just like “ff” and “ll” these are used after a short vowel in a word.

Our spellings this week are:












Year 2

This week we are learning the spelling pattern ou making an /u/ sound. Here are this week’s spellings to read and write at home…













We have been reading Lauren Child’s Goldilocks and the Three Bears this week. The children came in on Monday to discover 3 bowls of porridge but one was empty! They guessed very quickly who could have been in. We used interesting adjectives to describe Goldilocks and created WANTED posters to describe her character and why she’s wanted. They children sequenced the key events of the story and worked as a class to retell the story through drama. The week will end with children beginning to write the story using pictures to support them.



Year 1

This week we are learning about subtraction. We have learned that this symbol “-” means minus, subtract and take away. We have been using resources to work out stories that use “NOT” and learning how to write a subtraction equation. 

Here are some to try at home. Perhaps you can draw it and then write the equation:

I went to the shop and bought 8 cookies. 5 were chocolate chip. How many were not?


There are 7 children going out to play. 6 have put coats on. How many have not put them on?


I have a bag of 10 lollipops. 4 of them are red. How many are not red?


Year 2

This week we have been finding the difference which is one way we can subtract (minus, take away). We have been doing lots of challenges and investigations to find pairs of numbers that have the same difference and learning that consecutive numbers always have a difference of 1. We have used cubes (making towers and counting the difference), Numicon (laying one piece over the other and counting the difference) and number lines (circling both numbers and jumping to each tick mark in between to count the difference) to support our learning this week.


As part of your home learning can you find the difference between these numbers and explain how you found the answer?






Geography Project - Let’s Explore

This week we have started a new Geography project called Let’s Explore! Attached to this blog is a knowledge organiser with key ideas and vocabulary on. We started the week by exploring atlases and learning the names of the continents and oceans that make up the world. We learnt about compass directions north, east, south and west and used these to locate cities in the UK. Can you name a city which is south of Norwich? Finally, we learned about the equator and hot, cold and temperate places.


Preparations are under way for the Christmas fair, so please keep an eye out in book bags for raffle tickets and bags to fill with treats. Thank you!


Please can all children bring a coat to school because we try to get outside every day whatever the weather!