Garrick Green

Infant School

23rd September 2024 Emerald, Teal & Sage

Naughty buses, timelines & significant events


Year 1 

This week we are recapping the “th” sound like in the words “this” and “thing”. We have really focussed on listening to tell the difference between “v”, “f” and “th”. They are finding this really tricky so any opportunities to practise clearly saying each of the sounds at home would really help.

This week our spellings are:












Year 2

This week we have been learning another silent letter- k before an n /kn/. Here are this week’s spellings for you to have a go at reading and writing at home…












English- Naughty Bus

We have continued our learning about the Naughty bus. This week the children have sequenced pictures to retell the story and have then used time words and adjectives to help describe the events. 

“The red bus zoomed through the sticky beans.”

“First the bus whizzed past the people.”

We then found the Naughty bus had been sneaking around the school after everyone had gone home. We looked for clues and took pictures of places it had been. The children used these ideas to create their own story and adventures of the Naughty Bus! 



Year 1

In maths this week we have been comparing amounts. We have been using the skill of accurate counting from last week to count 2 sets of objects and saying which has more. We have also learned about the symbols for more than, >, less than, < and equal to, =. The children used these symbols to compare different pots of objects.

Once we were confident comparing amounts we have thought about comparing using numbers. The children used a number line to circle the 2 numbers and compare them. 

At home try these questions. Can you put the correct symbol in and tell an adult how you know.


Year 2

We started off the week by learning how to draw tens and ones to create 2 digit numbers. Then we learnt that each number has its own unique place on the number line and how to quickly and accurately find numbers on a number line. 

We know each mark/line on a number line is called a tick mark and is worth one. The thicker tick mark in the middle of 2 multiples of 10 is halfway and 5 which can help us. To find a number we first go to the multiple of 10 and then count up in 1s.


We then learnt how to use 100 bead strings to count and make 2 digit numbers and then measured items around the classroom using the bead strings.


History project- Childhood

This week children have been learning about simple timelines and created a timeline to show how babies grow and change. We have also learned about significant events and used time words such as last year & last month to write about these. We will also be talking our families and drawing a family tree to show siblings, parents and grandparents. As part of your home learning you could talk about your family tree at home. 


PE days are as follows...

Sage - Monday & Wednesday

Teal - Monday & Thursday

Emerald - Thursday & Friday


Please make sure all children have a coat and welly boots in school-we try to get outside as much as possible. Thank you! 


Please try and make sure children are reading 5 times a week and record this in their reading diaries. 

October dates

November dates