Garrick Green

Infant School

4th December 2023 Emerald, Teal & Sage

Assessments, year 2 gymnastics & sciencePhonics

Year 1

This week the children have had a practise phonics test to see what sounds they are confident with and which need a little more practise. They have all done really well and are making great progress. 

We have also recapped the beginning sounds in words - br, bl, tr, dr, st, fr, fl, gr, gl etc. 


Our spellings this week are:












Year 2

This week in year 2 we have been learning about the ch diagraph making a /k/ sound. Here are this week’s spellings…












Please have a go at reading these words at home and thinking of fun ways to try and remember to spell them.



This week in English we have been doing some purple book writing. Firstly the children worked hard to think of great adjectives to describe the baby bear from Lauren Child’s version of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Then they independently wrote a character description of him. 


The children also had a go at using all of their learning from geography to answer the question- Where would you live if you could live anywhere in the world? After recapping our previous learning and exploring maps and atlases, the children independently wrote their answers to this.



Year 1

In our maths lessons we have been thinking about addition and subtraction but we have been using “First, Then and Now” stories. We have used pictures to draw our equations and also used counters and tens frames to show our working out.

Here are some examples.

Can you draw your own addition story?

Can you draw your own subtraction story? Don’t forget to draw the total amount in the second box BEFORE crossing some out.

Year 2

This week we have been learning how to add and subtract single digits from a 2 digit number. The children have been learning that when we add or subtract a single digit from a 2 digit number we can focus on just the ones. For example…

45 + 2

I know 5 + 2 = 7 so I know 45 + 2 = 47


39 - 4 

I know 9 - 4 = 5 so I know 39 - 4 = 35


We also thought about how we can apply this to solving equations such…

308 - 3 =

(I know 8 - 3 = 5 so I know 308 - 3 = 305)


Why not have a go at these equations at home? Bring them in and show your teacher for a team point!

75 + 3 = 

89 - 6 =

46 - 4 =

52 + 7 =


Science Project - Habitats

This week we have started our final Autumn term project which is a science project called Habitats.

We started the week by learning about things that are alive and things that are not alive. Year 2 then had to think about things that had been alive and those that had never been alive.

Next, we learned about identifying plants and animals in a woodland habitat and went out exploring the school grounds to see what we could find.

We will also be learning about why animals live in their habitats.

Please find the knowledge organiser attached to the bottom of this Blog with all the key ideas and vocabulary.


Tomorrow 8th December is Christmas jumper day in return for a £1 donation.


It is also the FOGG Christmas Fair after school.


There is another Open Morning on Monday 11th December.