Garrick Green

Infant School

6th October 2023 Emerald, Teal & Sage

The Sea Saw, number bonds and history


Year 1

This week we have been focussing on the ending sounds in words. We have been learning about the “ff” sound. We have learned that we write an “ff” sound if it is after a short vowel. For example: cliff, off, huff.

Our spellings this week are:












Year 2

This week we have been learning about the letter g making a soft /j/ sound before the letters e, i and y. Here are this week’s spellings…













This week we have continued to read and explore the text The Sea Saw by Tom Percival. Children have been learning about the prefix un- that goes at the beginning of some words and means not, such as unhappy, unkind, unhelpful. They have written thank you letters to the sea for all the help it gave the bear and were encouraged to use the conjunction ‘and’ to join sentences. For example- thank you for keeping the bear safe and returning it to Sofia. 

Next the children created a story map to help us retell the bear’s journey.

Next week children will be creating their own story map ready to write a story about their favourite cuddly toy that goes missing. 



Year 1

This week we have begun to think about addition. We have started slowly and only using numbers within 10. The children have counted different groups of objects and then added them together to find a total. Then we learned about the + symbol and the = symbol. The children used this knowledge to begin to write their own addition equations within 10. We are still using lots of resources and pictures to help us. 

Here are some to try at home.

Can you write the equations? Take care to get your numbers the correct way around.


Year 2

This week we have continued with adding 3 addends (digits) together and looked carefully to find 2 digits that add up to ten using our knowledge of number bonds to 10. Eg 6 + 3 + 4, we know 6 + 4 = 10 so we can work out 10 + 3 = 13. We used tens frames and counters and also Numicon to help us with this. 

We then used this knowledge to help us add 2 addenda together using our knowledge of bonds to 10. For example-

7 + 5 =

We know 7 + 3 = 10 so we can partition (split up) the 5 into 3 and 2. Then we can add on the final 2. We used tens frames and counters to support this. 


History Project 

In our History work this week we have focussed on 3 significant explorers from history - Roald Amundsen (trekked to the South Pole), Christopher Columbus (Sailed the Atlantic and discovered The Americas) and Neil Armstrong (First person to walk on the moon). We have used role play to experience their journeys and considered the impact of their exploration on the world. We also learnt some interesting facts about their lives.


Next Friday 17th November is Children in Need and children are welcome to come in their own clothes and wear something spotty for a suggested donation of £1


Thank you to all that were able to attend parent meetings this week. Below are some resources and links and ideas which you might find useful…