Garrick Green

Infant School

Y2 9th March 2020


This week in English the children have been working really hard to finish their plans ready to write their own version of George and the Dragon. The children have been using some fantastic language to describe their dragons and the cute animals which it is scared of!



In Mrs Ellis' maths we have continued to look at fractions. We have been thinking about quarters which we know are whole objects or groups or objects which are split into 4 equal parts. 

Image result for quarters cake

This whole cake has been split into 4 equal parts. Each part is known as a quarter.

Here is a great resource to help at home

Here is another great online resource to help your children with maths at home...


In science this week we have been learning about different states of matter. We discussed how these are different and which group everyday things belong to. For example water is a liquid, air is a gas and wood is a solid. We carried out some simple experiments to see what happens when you mix some solids and liquids together.

Image result for states of matterDates for the diary...

Friday 13th Sport Relief

Friday 20th non-uniform day in return for an Easter egg

Tuesday 31st March Easter Disco 5-630pm

Wednesday 1st April Last day of term and parent drop in from 915am-1130am