Year 1 Blog 16.3.20
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In English this week we have designed and labelled our own planet. We thought about the size and shape of it, what the weather was like there and then which creatures, plants and aliens live there. We then wrote our own adventure story about the creatures on our planet.
In Maths we have been learning about weight and capacity. We have used balances to compare objects and say which is heaviest and lightest. We then used cubes to weigh different things. We learned that it is important to be careful when adding cubes so the 2 sides of the balance are level. Our capacity work has been wet, but fun! We have compared different containers to decide which will hold the most liquid and the least. We have used the words "full, half full, empty, nearly full and nearly empty" when talking about the liquid in the containers. We have also begun to think about measuring capacity using cups and counting how many it takes to fill different containers.
In Topic we will be using all the recycling you have sent in to make our own space vehicles. We are very excited and there will be some fabulous models coming home on Friday.