Garrick Green

Infant School

Friday 27th March Y1 & &2

Keep calm. The first week is nearly over!


Our topic for this term has been Out of This World.  Today we set you a challenge to create a space picture or model using anything you want. Here are some ideas…


Please remember to keep sharing your lovely work with us as we enjoy seeing what the children have been up to. If you have and questions or queries please drop us an email and we will try our very best to help.



Please read every day. Your school book, a magazine, story book, non-fiction book,



Have a look at the picture below and talk about...

Why do you think the man practices his magic using chairs?

What other magic do you think the man possesses?

Why do you think he is in a field?

What do you think his home is like?

If you could perform magic, what power/ability would you most like to have?