Year 2 22nd March 2021
Keep calm, it's almost the end of Spring term!
This week we have really enjoyed making the most of the sunshine. It has been lovely to be outside more.
In RSHE we have learnt about flipping our lid and the things we can do to help calm ourselves down. Ask your child about magic ten (counting backwards from 10) and take 5 (5 deep breaths in and out using your fingers as you breathe). We have talked about the PANTs rule again- to find out more click this link:
Fo our maths lessons this week Mrs Ellis's class have been learning about capacity and using water to explore millilitres. We estimated which containers would hold the most and which would hold the least and then found out. We also worked in teams to use small containers to fill large measuring tubes whilst avoiding obstacles!
It would be great if you could look at the scales at any measuring jugs you have a home. You could gather a range of different containers and predict which one you think holds the most and which you think holds the least. Then use a measuring jug to find out. Can you read the scale to see how many millilitres each container holds? Here is a link to the BBC Bitesize:
In Mrs Prophet's children have recapping weight. They have been comparing items and using the language of heaviest and lightest, finding out how many cubes different items weight and comparing these to other items. Children have got to use both balance scales and digital scales.
Our David Hockney inspired artwork is almost complete! The children have created some real masterpieces and we can't wait to display them around the school.
Things to remember...
- The last day of Spring term Friday 26th March
- First day of Summer term is Monday 12th April and it will be International Week