Sage Class Blog. W/c 7th March
Poems, clocks and mindful eating.
This week in our English lessons we have been learning about shape poems. We went on a walk to look for the signs of spring and used these to help us generate ideas for our poems. We learned what a simile is - (a way of saying one thing is like another). For example - the daffodil is as yellow as the sun. We also learned about alliteration - saying or writing sentences that all begin with the same letter. (Peter picked pretty petunias.) Then we used these ideas to write a poem in the shape of a spring thing; daffodil, bunny, chick or lamb. We also talked about and painted flowers, sang spring songs and used "Purple Mash" paint programme to create springtime pictures.
In maths this week we have continued our learning about time. We learned about analogue clocks and noticed that the numbers only go to 12. We found out that on our classroom clock there are 3 hands - a second hand, a minute and an hour hand. We made our own clocks thinking carefully about the minute and hour hands. We learned that when the minute hand is pointing at the top of the clock - to the 12 - it means 'o' clock. We used clocks to make 'o' clock times and also drew the hands on clocks to show different 'o' clock times. We also learned that when the minute hand has gone halfway around the clock the time is "half past".
In our topic work this week we have been thinking about how to join items and how to strengthen structures. We are planning to make a photo frame so we found and compared lots of different ones. We also looked at other things and considered how to make sure our frames will be strong enough. We tried using masking tape, lollipop sticks, card corners, cardboard, hot glue guns and blue tac. We considered which would be the most effective for creating a photo frame.
Each week Miss Banner teaches us "Dots". This is a programme focussing on mindfulness and self awareness. This week we learned about mindful eating. We were able to hold and feel a raisin, consider what it smelted like and then feel it in our mouth using our tongue and other senses. It took a long time to finally eat it! The children were really thoughtful in this session and may try this out or tell you about it at home. It can be done with any food; the aim being to take a moment to appreciate and consider how it feels, tastes, smells and how it makes us feel.
Big Talk
For your talking homework this week look at the picture below and share you thoughts.
If you could spend an hour in this garden what would you do?
What might you hear?
What might it smell like?
Who would you like to be in this garden with? Why?
Would you pick the flowers?