Garrick Green

Infant School

18th September 2023 Emerald, Teal & Sage

Billy & the Beast, human survival and numbers 


Year 1

Year 1 have been recapping the “ch” sound this week. We have read and written words containing the “ch” sound and then used these words to write sentences. We have thought about how important the order of words is in a sentence and sorted out sentences that don’t make sense.

Our spellings this week are:












Year 2

In phonics this week we have been learning about another silent letter - w before an r or after an s. Here are this week’s spellings you can have a go at reading and/or writing at home…












We have also been recapping how to write sentences and remember that they need to make sense, start with a capital letter, fingers spaces between each word and a full stop at the end.



This week we have continued to explore the text Billy and the Beast by Nadia Shireen. Children have been learning how to use conjunctions and, but, so, because to join two sentences; sequencing and retelling the story; thinking about what we would hide in our hair and to use; creating a character description of Fatcat.

As part of your home learning, please encourage your child(ren) to retell you the story of Billy and the Beast. 



Year 1

This week we have been focussing on counting accurately. The children “grabbed a handful” of objects to count, lined up counters to make counting easier and practised writing the numbers to match amounts. We also learned how to cross out or mark a picture that has lots of objects so that we don’t keep counting them over and over again. 

We have really worked hard to listen to sounds and count them too. For example, Mrs Morgan clapping or dropping marbles into a tin.

At home, you could ask your child to line up and count their toys, the cutlery on the table or build a tower of Lego and count how many bricks. You could also clap and ask your child to count how many.


Year 2

This week is all about numbers. We have recapped how to group many objects into groups of 10 to make it easier to count and how to use different resources to create 2-digit numbers. Children used dienes (tens sticks and ones units), tens and ones counters, bead strings and Numicon. 

As part of your home learning, you could have a go at this online game…

Or whilst out and about-go on a number hunt! How many tens and ones are there in your house number? On the passing buses? 


Science Project - Human Survival

Our new project is called Human Survival and we have attached the knowledge organiser with key information and vocabulary.


This week we have tried different exercises in P.E to see how our body responds and the importance of keeping our bodies healthy through a healthy balanced diet and exercise. We have been learning about the different stages of life - baby, toddler, child, teenager, adult, elderly. The children created a timeline of these stages to show the order they happen.