Garrick Green

Infant School

2nd October 2023 Emerald, Teal & Sage

Wolves, numbers and remarkable recipes


Year 1

This week in phonics we have been recapping the “ng” sound. We have made silly “ing, ang, ong” words and written sentences with “ng” word in. This weeks spellings are:












Year 2

This week in phonics we have been learning the wh spelling of /w/. We know most words with a /w/ sound have the w spelling, but there are some with the wh spelling. Below is our list of spellings that you can have a go at reading and writing at home…












You could always have a go at making up and writing silly sentences such as…

While the wheat has whiskers it whistles on the whip.




In English this week we read Wolves by Emily Gravett. We made a knowledge web using a ball of wool, where we shared facts we knew about wolves. 

We have thought about words that could be used to describe wolves using zones of relevance from our knowledge of wolves. 

We then focused on the difference between fact and fiction by learning about the features of non-fiction and fiction books. The children have played the game “2 truths and a lie” using the facts we have found out about wolves and then have written facts and rumours about wolves in sentences. As part of your home learning you could play 2 truths and a lie at home- encourage children to write down 3 sentences remember capital letters to start, finger spaces between each word and a full stop at the end. 



Year 1

In year 1 this week we have learned about parts and whole. We have cut pictures of fruit into parts and then put them back together to make a whole again. We then learned about a set of objects being a “whole” amount and have used a part/whole model to investigate partitioning numbers into 2 and 3 parts. 

Here is a part whole model.

At home you could:

Draw a part whole model and use objects to place in it. 

Can you say the sentence “I have ….. objects and that is the whole. I can put… in a part and … in a part”.


Here is the one I did.

“I have 4 stars in the whole. I can put 1 in a part and 3 in the other part.”


Year 2

This week we compared 3 digit numbers but first looking at the tens and then the ones. We used number lined and dienes to compare numbers and then used the < less than, > more than and = equals symbols to compare two 2 digit numbers. We enjoyed using the phrase ‘I know’ to explain our answers.

Then we partitioned 2 digit numbers into the tens and ones parts. We know 24 if made up of 2 tens (20) and 4 ones (4). We used cherry models to help us with this and then solved problems with missing numbers.


D&T Project - Remarkable Recipes 

This week we have started our new project “Remarkable Recipes”. We have been recapping on where food comes from, learning what different tools do and how to use these safely. We have been peeling, chopping and grating and also learning about why we cooked food. As part of your home learning you could get your children to help with some of these jobs in the kitchen. 



- Wednesday 11th October Y1 Sage & Teal Reading Event in hall 08:45-09:45

- Wednesday 18th October Y2 Emerald & Teal Reading Event in hall 08:45-09:45