Garrick Green

Infant School

30th October 2023 Emerald, Teal & Sage

Old cuddly toys, history and number


Year 1

This week we have been focussing on the short vowel sounds - a, e, i, o, u. We have blended words containing short vowel sounds and then we have concentrated on hearing the sound to write it in words. This weeks spellings are












Year 2

This week we have been learning about the letter c making a soft /s/ sound. We know that the letter c is followed by an e, y or i it changes from a /k/ to a /s/. Here are this week’s spellings to have a go at reading and writing at home…













This week we have started to explore the text ‘Sea-Saw’ by Tom Percival. We talked about special cuddly toys and how to show who they belong to by using apostrophes for possession. Instead of saying ‘This bear belongs to Carol’, we can say ‘This is Carol’s bear.’ The apostrophe in Carol shows that the bear belongs to her.

After reading part of the story we wrote about what the bear enjoys doing using suffix words -ing (looking, playing, splashing) and then made predictions about what might happen next in the story. 

We have been using the emotions chairs in class to think about how the characters might be feeling and using the days of the week to sequence.

As part of your home learning, please keep singing the days of the week song and have a go at writing them down. Don’t forget that the days of the week are proper nouns (like our names) so they need to start with capital letters.



Year 2

This week in maths we have been adding 3 addends together- e.g. 5 + 3 + 2. We have used cherry part whole models to add three parts (addends) together and have also learned that you can add three parts together in any order. The children have started to think about and reason the easiest way to add three parts together. Sometimes we start with the greatest number and count on, other times we find number bonds to 10. Have a go at these at home and talk about the most efficient way to add them together…


4 + 6 + 1 =

2 + 7 + 2 =

4 + 3 + 1 =

5 + 2 + 3 =


History Project - Movers & Shakers 

Our new project is all about History and the knowledge organiser of key ideas and vocabulary has been attached to the bottom of this blog. We will start by discussing ‘what is history’ and learning about timelines. Then we will learn about some historical figures and what makes people historically significant. We will be grouping and sorting people into the categories- activist, explorer, scientist, artist and monarch. As part of your home learning, you could learn about some historical figures and find out which group they belong to.




This half term our theme for RSHE is Celebrating Difference. In RSHE lessons we follow the Jigsaw Charter and use our Jigsaw pieces and Jerri cat to help with discussions. We will be thinking about things we share in common and things which make us different from each other, bullying and, most importantly, celebrating our differences.

PSHE – Jigsaw | Howden Junior School



During RE this half term we will be focusing on Christianity and the question What gifts might Christians in my town have given Jesus if he had been here instead of Bethlehem? We will be thinking about special gifts we have received, how it feels to give & receive gifts and listening to the Christmas story.



Parent teacher meetings are…

Monday 6th November 2-5pm

Tuesday 7th November 4-6pm