Garrick Green

Infant School

Jade and Olive blog 13.5.24

This week...

in our project Animal Safari the children will be looking at how scientists do scientific drawings of animals and then having a go at drawing an animal in that style, concentrating on lines and shading.  We will also be learning about animal habitats and the children can have a go at creating their own habitat for an animal. 

Experiments hint at why bird nests are so sturdy

In phonics Reception are learning about the alternatives for the long i and Year 1 are going over the alternatives for ue. 

The children will be doing a daily dictated sentence and some of the children are becoming much more independent in this area which is great to see. We will also continue to write and act out story scribes. Early morning work is writing short captions/sentences based on a picture.

In maths the children are learning about subtraction as finding the difference between the 2 numbers. We will use the part whole model to help us. We will also practise writing all the numbers from 1 - 10.

Completing Subtraction Sentences to Represent the Same Part–Whole Model

In RSHE we will be going over the PANTS rule and talking about people you trust. In RE we will continue to look at special places and this week is Mosques.

The children will also do their weekly yoga session.

We are also going to make the most of the weather change and be outside as much as possible - please remember to apply sun cream to your children.

Have a good week!