Garrick Green

Infant School

Olive and Jade Blog 10.6.24

This week...

It is art week and the whole school are working on the theme of Flowers and painting pictures or elements of pictures in the style of an artist. Olive and Jade class are working in pairs to create paintings in the style of Gustav Klimt. When the paintings are finished they will be displayed in the hall with the rest of the artwork from the other classes. The children have learnt about Gustav Klimt and looked at his paintings of flower meadows and other paintings he did.

We are also doing assessments this week, so the children are completing a piece of writing and carrying out some maths activities to demonstrate what they have learnt and remembered and how they apply these skills. Therefore, the curriculum has been collapsed so that we can concentrate on assessments. The children will still be doing free flow play and we will be hearing readers.

The children will go over the PANTS rule in RSHE as a reminder. In RE the children will hear the story Dogger and discuss special things and loss. 

Have a good week!