Garrick Green

Infant School

Olive and Jade Blog 1.7.24

This week...

for project we are learning about art from around the world and looking at the patterns we can see. We will focus on aboriginal artwork and the children are going to have a go at creating their own dot picture using a shape as a base. We are also learning about children around the world by looking at the book 'We Are All Welcome'

All Are Welcome

Through this book we will learn about the cultures of children around the world and we will look at similarities and differences between where other people live and Norwich.

In phonics we are looking at the alternatives for the or digraph - aw, au, al and or. We will be working on spotting the digraphs in words before trying to blend the sounds into a word.

We will be continuing with our dictated sentences as well as daily morning work where we write a sentence or a statement based on a picture.

In maths we are learning about knowing the order of numbers and where the numbers come in relation to others. We will compare numbers and offer explanations to explain our thinking. 

We will look at the floor books that contain all the projects that we have done over the year. the children will discuss what they have learnt, what they have enjoyed the most and why. We will also be talking about what might make them happy in Year 1 and Year 2. 

We will be continuing to play both inside and out.

On Friday the children will visit their class for next year again and don't forget that the summer fair is on Friday from 4.30. 

Have a good week!