Emerald, Teal and Sage 30th September 2024
Life in the 1950s and toys
Year 1
This week in phonics we have been recapping the “ng” sound. We have made silly “ing, ang, ong” words and written sentences with “ng” word in. This weeks spellings are:
Year 2
This week in phonics we have been learning the wh spelling on /w/. We know most words with a /w/ sound have the w spelling but there are some with the wh spelling. Below is our list of spellings that you can have a go at reading and writing at home…
You could always have a go at making up and writing silly sentences such as…
While the wheat has whiskers it whistles on the whip.
English - comparing toys
Following on from our story Naughty Bus we have looked at other toys. We sorted toys into different groups such as soft & hard, plastic & not plastic. In our project work we have learned about toys and games from the 1950’s so we compared new and old toys to see how they have changed. We learned how to write a list, Sage class were writing each object on a new line and Emerald and Tal classes were learning how to use commas. Then we thought about our favourite toy and wrote a sentences to say why we liked it.
Year 1
In year 1 this week we have learned about parts and whole. We have cut pictures of fruit into parts and then put them back together to make a whole again. We then learned about a set of objects being a “whole” amount and have used a part/whole model to investigate partitioning numbers into 2 and 3 parts.
Here is a part whole model.
At home you could:
Draw a part whole model and use objects to place in it.
Can you say the sentence “I have ….. objects and that is the whole. I can put… in a part and … in a part”.
Here is the one I did.
“I have 4 stars in the whole. I can put 1 in a part and 3 in the other part.”
Year 2
This week we compared 2 digit numbers but first looking at the tens and then the ones. We used number lined and dienes to compare numbers and then used the < less than, > more than and = equals symbols to compare two 2 digit numbers. We enjoyed using the phrase ‘I know’ to explain our answers.
Then we partitioned 2 digit numbers into the tens and ones parts. We know 24 if made up of 2 tens (20) and 4 ones (4). We used cherry models to help us with this and then solved problems with missing numbers.
History Project - Childhood
This week we have made a timeline with lots of significant events on. We learned how to read the date on an event and order it correctly. We explored life in the 1950s and had lots of discussions about things which are the same and the things which are different and why. As part of our English work we have been playing games such as tiddly winks & dominoes, learning how to jump rop and singing songs such as ring-ring-a-roses.
Please can all children bring a coat to school every day. We try to get outside even when it’s raining. Thank you 😄