Olive and Jade Class Blog 7.10.24
This week...
I know it's only October and we don't want to mention the C word but in school we are working on designs for a Christmas card. The children will bring their designs home and then you can place an order for your child's design to be turned into a card. The children have done finger print Christmas trees and they are looking very pretty so we hope that you like them! There will be an email to follow with more information about how to order etc.
Last week we did our information session about phonics for parents - we are currently writing up some information to send out to the parents who could not make it.
This week in phonics we are doing n, ck, e, h and r. Here is a video of how to say all the individual sounds here.
Some parents have said how useful the Jolly Phonics app is - there is more information about it if you click here.
The children have been learning the songs, action and how to form the letter properly. The sheets from last week were sent home in book bags for the children to continue to practise at home. The more practice the get, the better and more confident the children will be so please try to do these every week. We will put the letter formation sheets in as homework every week.
In project we have been discussing people who help us at home and also what the children do to help at home, we have talked about family members and belonging to a family and we have also talked about friendships and what makes a good freind. We have had a story that goes alongside each lesson - Superhero Dad, Just Like My Mum and Lost and Found.
The children started RE where we discussed special people and role models.
The daily stories in Olive class are all Percy the Park keeper books and in Jade Class they are books by John Burnigham.
We have also continued to play both inside and outside and do dough disco and squiggle.
All children should now have their bookbags. The sharing book is one for you to read to them. They are free to change this as often as they like - there is a box of books in each classroom for them to choose from.
Have a good week!