Olive and Jade Blog 7.1.25
Welcome back...
We hope you all had a great Christmas break!
This week we are starting our new project - Long Ago. We will be reading the story The Toymaker and learning about how toys from the past differ from toys we have today. We will also do an observational drawing of one of the toys from the past by looking closely at the shape and details of the toys.
In Phonics Reception children are learning about the short vowels a, e, i, o and u. All the children need to read for a little bit everyday and we thank you for your support with this at home. This is a sure-fire way to boost their reading ability. Year 1s are learning about long vowels and magic e.
Morning work has changed and all of the children are having a go at writing a cvc word to go with a picture e.g. map.
As part of their phonics the children will be having a go at writing a short sentence/caption independently.
The daily stories this week are all traditional tales.
In maths this week we are continuing to talk about parts and whole. For example, the parts that make 3 are 2 and 1, 1 and 2 or 1 and 1 and 1. We will be looking at the parts and whole for numbers up to 5.
In RE the children are learning about New Year and different celebrations that take place. In RSHE the children will be learning the correct names for body parts. We will also be continuing with our Dots (Mindfulness) sessions where this week we will be focussing our attention on where we can feel the breath in our bodies.
Please can you make sure that your child has a pair of wellies in school so they can go on the field at lunchtime. Also they need a complete set of spare clothes on their peg just in case of accidents or getting wet/muddy outside. Please remember if these come home in a bag, can you replace them the following day as we do not have a lot of spares in school. Please return their waterproof clothes too so they can go out when it is raining.
Have a good week!