Learning in the Community
As a school, we are located slightly outside the centre of the village but we very much pride ourselves on being in the heart of the community. Over the years, we have developed many links with our community, especially with The Hoste, Holkham Estates and the Wells Malting Literary Festivals. Children from across the school take part in regular community events and we also invite many members of the community into the school.
Each year, we take part in:
- The Sea Fever Poetry and Literary Festival at The Maltings in Wells-next-the-Sea, where our children have both written, performed and recited poetry.
- Working with the Holkam Education Team as part of the Woodland Camp on the Holkham Estate. Here children have learnt about a variety of plants, woodland skills and even wild camping. The Education Department from Holkham also visit our KS2 children in school and bring with them a wealthy of knowledge to share in lessons.
- Every year the Hoste, a well known restaurant and business, open their doors to our Year 6 children who walk into the village and learn about the trades of a thriving business and enjoy a delicious leaver's meal.
- This year, we have developed further links with the Burnham Carnival and Flower Festival, as the children have performed songs, designed many different pieces of artwork for display and been instrumental in designing a float for the carnival.
- The annual Remembrance Day service at the war memorial, where our KS2 children lay a wreath alongside our community representatives.
We are also delighted to welcome 13 community readers into school, who come from the village and surrounding villages, to hear our children read on a weekly basis. We always invite them to our Curiosity Cafes and have a special Tea Party to say thank you to them too!
The parents and governors play a vital role in our school community and we love our termly class and whole-school cafes, where all the community can come in and enjoy a cup of tea, piece of cake/biscuit and enjoy learning alongside our children. Annually, we support the Macmillan Coffee Morning with our Big Draw event and again, we love to invite friends and family in to join us as we raise money for these worthy causes.
Hopefully you can see that community is so important to us, and by providing so many different activities and events for our children, we are showing them and allowing them to take part and fulfil their sense of community too.