Defibrillator installed at BMPS

After months of fundraising by the FOBS team and wider school community we are delighted to announce that the hard work has paid off!
Following several months of fundraising FOBS (The Friends of Burnham Primary School) have now been able to provide a defibrillator which is situated on the outside wall at Burnham Market Primary School. The defibrillator can be accessed 24 hours a day via the pedestrian entrance at the front of the school, it is therefore available for use by the general public as well as the school.
FOBS would like to say a huge thank you to the many parents/careers and local community who have donated towards the defibrillator. We would also like to say a big thank you to Councillor Sam Sandell for making a donation from the Borough Council Community Grant.
We were able to purchase the defibrillator with the very kind help of Heart 2 Heart Norfolk, a local charity who not only gave us a large donation but also purchased and delivered the defibrillator for us. In addition to this, Jayne Biggs who runs Heart 2 Heart Norfolk visited the school on Monday 13th March and provided training to the year 5 and 6 children and several members of staff.