3rd May 2022 Emerald Class Blog
Tadpole's Promise, mental maths and tree
Big Talk
Have a look at the picture below and talk about…
Who might live inside the tree?
What would the house look like? Who put the sign on the door?
Is the lamp ever lit?
Are there any neighbours?
Imagine the camera zooms out, and you can see the entire tree. What does the rest of the tree house look like? What does it look like inside?
You could always draw or write down what you have imagined
This week in phonics we are looking at the <are> spelling of the air sound. Here are this week's spellings...
This week we are continuing to look at the story Tadpole's Promise by Jeanne Willis and Tony Ross. We have been identifying verbs in the story and thinking of more interesting verbs to use. For example instead of 'cried' the children came up with whimpered, wept and sobbed. Later in the week we will be looking at sequencing the main events of the story and creating a story map.
As part of your home learning you could talk about your favourite traditional tales, sequencing the main events and drawing a story map.
In maths this week we are doing lots of problem-solving and also continuing with learning how to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes. It would be great to keep telling the time at home using an anolgue clock and also referring to the time on digital clocks. For example- it's 20 past 5. The hour hand is on the 5, the minute hand points to the 4. It's 5:20.
In All About Norfolk this week we will continue with our work on life cycles and things local to us by exploring the trees within our school grounds. We will be identifying the different trees by looking at the leaves and thinking about the life cycle of trees. We will also be checking in on the seeds we planted last week to see which are showing signs of growth and thriving and which are struggling.
Don't forget...
Year 2 children will be taking their Reading and Maths SAT papers over the next few weeks during May. We will not be telling the children in advance as they are used to doing assessments Please make sure they have a good breakfast each day and are well rested! Please continue to read daily at home and have go at the White Rose 1 minute maths app. Thank you for your support.