Miss Banner and Mrs Herron's Blog - week beginning 10.5.21
This is what we are doing this week:
The stories this week are about dreams and goals. This is to encourage the children to be the best that they can actually be. We have also discussed that sometimes when you work with a friend then you can achieve even greater things.
In phonics we are looking at different ways of making the 'ou' sounds. We are practising looking at a word and spotting the digraph first and then sounding out the whole word and blending it together.
We will also write a sentence and we are focussing on our letter formation and the size of our writing to really refine these skills.
In maths we are working on number bonds to 10 and using numicon to investigate this. We are also looking at finding the difference to 10 from different numbers.
In RSHE we are revising the flipping the lid idea and talking about strategies to help and calm us down. The children have got very good at different breathing techniques and also expressing their emotions using new vocabulary.
We will be also playing both inside and outside and making the most of the lovely sunshine this week.
Have a good week!