Miss Banner and Mrs Herron's Blog - week beginning 19.4.21
This is what we are up to this week...
Our stories this week are all focussed on animals and we are also reading 'An Emotional Menagerie' so that we learn about different emotions and feelings. This will help when we are explaining feelings when trying to sort out any issues and problems that occur. We are trying to read stories to widen the children's vocabulary and this book has a lot of words that are interesting and some that the children may never have heard.
In Maths this week we are learning how to count in 2s, looking at odd and even numbers and revisiting adding 2 groups together to find the total.
The children will all write a sentence with an adult or practice writing CVC words. We are working a lot on the formation of letters and hearing the sounds in the words to apply our phonic skills.
We are doing phonics daily and this week the focus is on the y sound at the end of words.
We are enjoying the better weather and doing lots of play outside. We have opened up more of the sheds so the children have lots of options to what to do outside.
In our RSHE the focus is on making friends where will discuss what makes a good friend and also what to do if we can see someone is on their own or feeling a bit lonely.
On Tuesday we had a day of calm session where the children learnt some more breathing strategies to help them feel calmer. Thjey also learnt a couple of yoga poses.