Miss Banner and Mrs Herron's Blog - week beginning 26.4.21
This is what we are doing this week:
This week the stories have all been Percy the Park Keeper books - there is some really interesting vocabulary in these stories and the children have enjoyed learning new words and their meanings.
The children will all write a sentence with an adult and we are working on using tricky words, letter formations and our phonic skills.
In Maths we have been learning about number bonds to 10 and looking at the patterns in numbers. We are also looking at doubling with numbers and objects.
A lot of the children are struggling with letter formation so we are doing some fine motor skill activities and also letter formation practice.
In RSHE we are doing some more work on friendships and how to solve problems when there have been disputes or issues.
We also had another day of calm session this week where the children learned about mindful eating and they also did some more breathing practices.
We will also be playing both inside and out which the children are really enjoying at the moment as we have introduced some new resources.
Have a good week!