Miss Banner and Mrs Herron's Blog - week beginning 5.7.21
This is what we are doing this week:
This week the book of the week is Don't Worry Little Crab by Chris Haughton.
The children really enjoyed this book and there was lots of discussion about being scared about something or feeling worried. We discussed how Little Crab overcame it's fear of the sea. We also talked a little bit about the changes next year when the children move up a year group and about how it's ok to feel a bit worried but by talking about our worries other people might be able to help us feel better about the move.
In phonics we have been learning about the alternative ways to write the long e digraph e.g. ee, e_e and ea.
We have all written a sentence which has been dictated by an adult. The children are becoming more confident at having a go independently.
In maths we have learnt about the number 18 - we have used the bead string, numicon and tens frames to really understand the 18ness of 18. We have also looked at the different arrays you can make with 18 and also how to double a number to get 18. We also revising subtraction using the maths resources to give us concrete ways to solve these calculations.
The children have also been enjoying the outside area and all the different changes in weather this week! We have gone from playing in puddles to being hot and noticing how our bodies have changed when it is hot and sunny. We have also talked about sun safety.
On Friday the children will be able to tell you about a special surprise visitor - thank you to FOGG who have arranged this for the school!