Garrick Green

Infant School

Reception Blog week beginning 16.11.20

This week we read the story 'The Hueys in the New Jumper' by Oliver Jeffers. This was part of the RSHE lessons where we are celebrating differences. We had lots of discussion about how we all have similarities and we all have differences and this is a good thing. The children are becoming really good at spotting these both in environments and with people.

The children have all started story scribing this week where they tell the adult their story and we scribe it for them. The children then act out their story with their friends at the end of the day which they are really enjoying!

In phonics we have covered m, d, g, o and u. The formation sheets will come home on Monday to practise. Here is a link to the Jolly Phonics songs

In maths we have been working on the number 4. We have talked about addition and subtraction with 4 e.g. 3 + 1 = 4 and 4 - 2 = 2 and all the different possibilities. We also looked at no matter how 4 counters are arranged there are still 4 counters. 

We have written to a lady called Angela at Redmayne House. She wrote to us and told us about her childhood. The children enjoyed looking at pictures she sent of what televisions and cars used to be like. 

We have also practised our Christmas songs. 

Have a good weekend!