Year 1 Blog. W/c 10th May
Counting in multiples and Garrick Green leaflets
In our English lessons this week we have been creating leaflets about our school. We have been really focussing on saying all the sounds in words and using our sound mats to make sure we are writing them correctly. Our leaflets are full of all the things we like about our school and it has been really interesting to talk about and share our ideas.
In phonics we know all the sounds really well and can recognise them by sight so we have been focussing on reading the sounds in words. Here are some to practise at home;
make, plain, crow, girl, toaster, craze, haunt, blue, town, fright, hairy, flute, bead.
Can you spot all the digraphs?
Our maths lessons this week have been all about counting in 2's, 5's and 10's. We are very good at counting forwards, counting groups of objects and finding missing numbers when counting but have found counting backwards in 2's, 5's and 10's tricky.
Here are some counting songs to help.
2's backwards -
5's forwards
Counting in 10's
As part of our topic “Best of British,” this week we are learning about a famous British nurse who lived a long time ago. She was called Florence Nightingale. She was a really important person who is also called “the Lady with the Lamp”. We are learning about how Florence Nightingale changed nursing and how she worked so hard to help soldiers in the Crimean War.
10 challenge
As you may have seen we are trying to raise money to buy some new equipment for our Reception outdoor area. Many of the staff and completing a 10k walk or doing other 10 challenges. We are encouraging the children to do their own 10 challenge and be sponsored for it but if you would like to donate too please click the following link....
Don't forget....
Next Thursday is fish and chips instead of Friday,