Tuesday 24th March Y1 & Y2
Y1 – Add sound buttons to the phonic words. Can you make up your own nonsense words and add the sound buttons?
Y2 – Write the words by copying…
*any* many* clothes* water* pretty* Christmas* beautiful* busy* poor* kind*
Write a letter to one of the characters from your favourite book. What questions would you like to ask them? Don’t forget the key features of a letter! In your letter you could ask them questions you want to know the answer to and tell that what you've been upto whilst at home.
Y1 - share groups of objects (grapes, sweets, Lego, dolls, toy cars) up to 20 in half. Investigate whether we can share 8 equally between 2? Can we share 9? You could share between plates, bowls, teddies or just put them into two piles.
Y2 – find different things you can use to prove that a half is equal to 2 quarters. Cut a pizza / cake, share raisins or grapes out into halves and quarters.
Build a famous building out of some of your toys or junk modelling e.g. a Lego Tower of London.
Draw, sketch, paint or create a collage of some daffodils.
Please read every day. Your school book, a magazine, story book, non-fiction book, https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page