Garrick Green

Infant School

Year 2 - 30th November

Letters to Father Christmas and Assessments 


This week we have been learning about contractions...

As part of your home learning you could have a go at writing these contractions in their expanded form:

  • it's
  • we're
  • shouldn't
  • I'm
  • And these words in their contracted form-
  • I will
  • I have
  • does not
  • it will

You could then have a go at writing some simple sentences with these contractions in. Share your work with your teacher for a team point!

Also, this week we have been writing letters to Father Christmas. We have been thinking of questions we'd like to ask him, recapping the features of a letter and trying to use contractions in our writing as well.


This week in maths we have been doing some assessments. We are really proud of how hard the children have worked! We have also been recapping place value and addition using tens and ones. Please continue to play lots of games at home which involve counting on (snakes and ladders) and adding dice together.

Maths challenge

Don't forget the share the answers with your teacher for a team point!


1. Mrs Ellis eats 4 mince pies, 3 chocolate biscuits and 5 snowballs. How many has she eaten altogether?


2. Mrs Prophet bakes 30 minces pies. The teachers eat 14. How many does she have left?


3. Mrs Dewing buys some Christmas crackers for £12. She pays with £20. How much change does she get?


Big Talk

Here is this weeks Big Talk picture and things to talk about below...

  • What can you see happening in the picture?
  • What is it the bird is looking for?
  • What do birds eat?
  • Do all birds eat the same things?
  • Where do you think this bird lives?
  • Do you think it is eating just because it is hungry?
  • Do you think birds enjoy the taste of food in the same way we do?
  • What makes this bird such a brilliant predator?


This week in Mrs Ellis's class, we had a go at joining a j and qu. Here are some examples below and attached are some handwriting sheets you might want to use at home. These sheets are for the spelling rule we have learnt in phonics which is the 'l' sound at the end of words spelt 'le' such as apple, table, riddle, able.

Things to remember...

Please make sure that all children have some spare clothes in school at all times. We are often outside when it is rainy so plenty of socks and tights would be very much appreciated


Christmas Jumper day is next Friday 11th December


Christmas lunch is Wednesday 16th December


The last day of term is Friday 18th December