Wise About Words Trip
Norwich Theatre Royal Trip
For the last three years, schools in the Wensum Trust have been part of a project called Wise About Words. During this time Mrs Ellis and Mrs Perkins have worked with artists from Norwich Theatre Royal.
The artists have worked alongside the teachers to support them in delivering a variety of sessions using different drama games, skills and techniques. For example, to bring history alive, the children acted out how the Great Fire of London spread; they became water droplets to learn about the water cycle in science and in geography, they used drama techniques to develop an understanding of different settlements. Alongside our work on emotions and regulation strategies, children have learnt to empathise with different characters by showing a range of emotions with the body, face and voice. Games such as ‘this isn’t a pen’ have helped children to become more creative and confident to share their ideas. One word stories have supported children in taking turns, working collaboratively and writing imaginatively.
Here is a link to a video made by Paul, a Norwich Theatre artist, explaining how you can develop a simple story - Click here.
This year, on World Book Day, each class led their own Wise About Words inspired session planned by Mrs Ellis and Mrs Perkins. Using John Burningham’s story, The Magic Bed, all children and teachers were able to experience the joy and fun of using the Wise About Words techniques to bring stories alive.
On Thursday 30th March, Emerald and Teal classes were invited to Norwich Theatre Royal to take part in four workshops.
In the drama workshop children explored characters through fun games and activities. They talked about Sleeping Beauty and each chose a character such as a prince or fairy. The children then practised moving around the room whilst in their chosen character using different parts of their body to lead. When we moved like a Princess, we lead with our toes but, when we moved like a witch, we lead with our noses.
As part of the technical workshop the children explored lights and sounds with the specialist team who help to put the shows on stage. They played around with different light filters on the lights and sound effects on the microphones. They also looked at props and the roles of all the different people who work at the theatre.
The craft workshop was all about making their own mini set. They used craft materials to make a background set for their own story, such as Jack and the Beanstalk.
They also worked together as a group in the story workshop. The children all gave words related to Sleeping Beauty or sleep to create a class poem/story; they then added sounds and actions to make it even better!
Everyone thoroughly enjoyed their day!