Garrick Green

Infant School

Olive and Jade Blog 16.12.24

This week...

Wow! The last week of the Autumn term is here and the children have done fantastically well. They have learnt so much over the last term and hopefully you see this at home too. They are however extremely tired and emotional and ready for a break! We will be sending spare clothes, waterproofs and wellies home over the holidays so please could you try these on and check everything still fits. Please send back wellies, waterproofs and a complete set of spare clothes on the first day back in January.

This week we are mainly doing Christmas craft activities as well as finishing off assessments and hearing the children read. They will be making festive paper chains, melting snowmen biscuits, reindeer food and paper plate baubles. They will also make a hat for Christmas dinner day.

We will be sending home flashcards in bookbags of all the sounds we have covered so far. If you cut the cards up into individual sounds you can make a game out of it by making cvc (consonant, vowel, consonant) words for the children to sound out and blend back together e.g. mop, hat, bin. You can add the digraphs in too e.g. sail, wing, cool. We won't be sending extra reading books home but by playing this game it will help them to practise their reading skills. 

On Tuesday we have the excitement of going to the theatre to watch a production of The Cat in the Hat. We have listened to the story a couple of times so they are familiar with it before the show.

Wednesday is Christmas dinner day so if you have not ordered your child a dinner then you will need to send in a home packed lunch as no other options will be available that day.

We hope you have fabulous break and wish you all the best for the holidays!