Garrick Green

Infant School

Olive and Jade Blog 17.6.24

This week...

for Project we are reading the story 'You Can't Take an Elephant on a Bus' and then discussing different transport that we have used and thinking about others that could be used depending on what journey you are going on. We are also reading the story 'Penguin on Holiday' and comparing two places that might be holiday destinations. The  children will discuss similarities and differences between the two locations.

Phonics this week for all is oy/oi. We are also doing phonic checks this week to see how much the children have learnt. The Year 1s are looking at Jack and the Beanstalk and sequencing the story.

The children will be continuing to write a dictated sentence daily and do story scribing. 

In maths the children are looking at numbers greater than 5 but less than 10. They will be noticing that it is 5 and a bit. We have used Hungarian number frames to help us spot the patterns of 5 and a bit. 

Small scale studies in the summer... - Spot On With Numbers

We will also be learning about the parts of 10 and how to make 10 in different ways.

We will be continuing to play both inside and outside.

In RE we will be continuing the theme of special things and loss by hearing the story The Lost Sheep.

Lost Sheep

In RSHE we will be having a general discussion about safety in school. The children will also have their regular yoga session.

Have a good week!