Garrick Green

Infant School

Olive and Jade Blog 20.1.24

This week...

We have had a visit from a dentist today and she showed the children how to brush their teeth properly, she also talked to them about the importance of keeping their mouth healthy. All the children who were in today have got a toothbrush and toothpaste in their bookbags. Hopefully they will be able to tell you what they need to do to make sure they are cleaning their teeth properly.

In phonics this week Reception are learning about when there is a double consonant they just say it once when reading and we are also recapping the short vowels. In Year 1 they are looking at the alternatives for ay and oy.

We will be writing a dictated sentence 3 times this week to give the children as much practice as ws possible so they become more independent at hearing the sounds in words and applying their knowledge to their writing. 

We will be continuing with story scribes and hearing all the children read. Many thanks to all of those that have been listening to  their child read at home - this will make a huge difference.  We will also do daily dough disco to help build up our fine motor skills.

We are focussing on the vocabulary from the talk through stories book last week - listen out if your child starts using these words at home too! The words are sparkle, mighty, ignored, craggy, impressed, whimpered, meek and slumbering. We talk about the meanings of these words and also demonstrate how to use them in a sentence.

In maths we are looking at representing a number using our fingers and seeing if there are different ways to make this using 2 hands.

4,396 Number One Finger Child Images, Stock Photos, and Vectors |  Shutterstock

We will also practise subitising again and explaining how we know e.g. I know that it is 3 because 2 and 1 make 3. We will look carefully at the patterns made by dots and how this echoes parts and whole. 

Early Number Sense - I See Maths

In project we will reading the book A Street Through Time and we will be looking at how Church Street has changed over the years and also what has strayed the same by doing a virtual walk. 

A Street Through Time: A 12,000-Year Walk Through History:  Noon, Steve, Noon, Steve: 9781409376446: Books

In RE we are continuing to learn about how Chinese New Year is celebrated and in RSHE we will be learning about how to overcome obstacles. 

On Thursday a nurse will be in school to check the children's hearing and vision. 

Have a good week!