Olive and Jade Blog 21.10.81
This week...
In project we are learning about maps. In Golidlocks we will be looking at the route Goldilocks takes through the story and then we will be using a programmable toy to get them to follow a route that we input. In Rosie's Walk we will be using google earth to look at where we live, talk about physical features and also looking at what the world looks like as an aerial view. In All Through The Night we will be discussing people who help us in the community plus the emergency services.
The daily stories in Olive and Jade class are all books to develop the children's emotional literacy.
In phonics this week the Reception children are coving m, d, g, and o. The year 1s are covering y, x, ch and sh. The Reception children will all be given a sheet of sounds in their bookbags this week. These sounds can be cut up and used as flash cards to practise over half term. These are the sounds that they have covered so far. The more the children practise these the better they will get. You can also make cvc words out of them to practice blending skills e.g. c-a-t, s-i-t, c-a-p.
In maths this week we are looking at 2 as one and another one. We are looking at numbers that are greater or less than and how do we know this. The children will also be ordering numbers to 3.
We are continuing to do dough disco and squiggle daily to build up our motor skills.
We had a practice this morning of what happens when the fire alarm goes off. This is so the children know what to do in an emergency. They did very well and were very sensible.
We will also be making a poppy that will go on the school fence to be part of the poppy tour in Old Catton that the Royal British Legion have organised - why don't you come and see them in half term? We have talked to the children about what the poppy symbolises and why people wear them at the time of year.
There is the Halloween Pop-up Shop on Thursday after school too!
Well done - the Reception children have all made it through their first half term at Garrick Green. Please remember there is no school on Friday this week. They have already learned a lot and will continue to do so after a good rest over half term! We hope you all have a good break!