Garrick Green

Infant School

Olive and Jade Blog 3rd June

This week...

We have started something new called Talk Through Stories where we focus on a book for the week and do different activities based on the book. We read the same story every day and learn about the characters, the vocabulary, the feelings that the characters experience and repeat key phrases. It is also to encourage the children to remember stories they hear and enjoy books. This week the story is Hugless Douglas by David Melling. 

The daily stories this week are all animal based again!

In phonics, Reception children are focussing on the alternatives for the long u - ue/u_e/ew e.g. argue, tube, chew, Year 1s are getting ready for the phonic screening check next week by practising the sounds they find most tricky and lots of reading of words. 

We are also doing the normal dictated sentences every day and continuing with story scribes and acting them out.

We have started a new project this week - Big Wide World. For project this week we had the story 'The Rainbow Weaver'

Rainbow Weaver (Tejedora del ArcoĆ­ris) Children's Book - Mayan Hands

The children learnt about the tradition of weaving and then had a go at weaving using recycled materials like the little girl in the story. We have also looked at the book Our World and learnt about different habitats - the children drew their favourite habitat.

In maths we have have been looking at numbers over 5 as 5 and a bit. We have been looking at the patterns that we can see.

5 and a bit matching cards | Teaching Resources


e.g. 7 is made of 5 and 2, 6 is made of 5 and 1.

We have recapped how to stay safe online by reading the story PenguinPig where the message is do not believe everything you see or hear - you sometimes need to check a bit more. 

In RE the children are learning about Noah's Ark.