Garrick Green

Infant School

Olive and Jade Class Blog 30.9.24

Thus week...

We have started teaching the children phonics. We do this through a programme called Jolly Phonics. There was an information session for parents but we know many of you couldn't make it so there will information in the next week regarding what and how we teach early reading. 
This week we have covered the sounds s, a, t, i and p. There is an action and a song to go with each sound and the children have a go at writing the letter. There is a Jolly Phonics App which is available for a small fee and there is more information here -

We have also started Squiggle which is a series of movements to music to aid fine and gross motor skill development. The children hold a square of material in each hand and make movements and then they have a crayon in each hand and apply those movements by putting crayon to paper. This week we have just been doing up and down. This is to develop early writing skills. The children are thoroughly enjoying this!

We have continued with dough disco too - we will make the fingers strong enough to write!!

We have also started our Project Me and my Community. The children have looked at our school, all the different people in it and also the different areas in the school building. We have talked about what makes us special. We are also beginning to talk about feelings and how we can demonstrate a feeling on our face. The children have discussed growing up and families. 

We started Mastering Number which is our maths programme and we have looked at 1, 2, and 3. The children have started to learn to subitise which is when they are able to recognise and amount without counting. e.g by looking at the dots below and saying the number or showing that amount of fingers. They have also met Number Wumber who is our maths puppet who helps the children with their counting and they help the puppet to improve his maths.

Category: Dot Cards

The children have also been continuing to play both inside and outside.

Have a good weekend!