Garrick Green

Infant School

Olive and Jade Class Blog 9.9.24

This week...

Well done to all the new EYFS children for making an excellent start at Garrick Green and to all the parents too! We think this week has gone really well and the majority of the children have settled in really well. The Year 1 children in Olive and Jade class have also done a brilliant job at helping the new children learn the way of the classroom and all the rules and routines that we have introduced. 

We have mainly been learning about the rules inside and outside, playing getting to know you games, learning the names of the other children in class and playing with all of the toys both inside and outside.

The children seem to be very much looking forward to their first lunch today and going on the big playground with the rest of the school.

We hope the children have been telling you all of the things that they have done in school but don't be surprised if they can't remember because they do so much! 

Next week is full time so the classroom doors open at 8.30am and the playground gate is locked at 8.40am. Pick up time is 3pm and the bell rings to signal the gate is about to be locked at 3.10pm.

If you have any questions please come and spoeak to one of the EYFS team.