Garrick Green

Infant School

Sage class Blog w/c 18th April

All about Norfolk and Day of Calm

Welcome Back!

We hope you all had a lovely Easter break.


This week we have begun our new Topic - All about Norfolk. Throughout the term we will be learning about where we live and also about further afield in Norfolk.


We started our week by thinking all about our school and the changes that are happening around us now that it is spring. The children went into the school garden and spent time sketching and pond dipping. It was great to find tadpoles in the pond - we saw the frogs before the Easter holidays!


On Wednesday we had a "Day of Calm". The aim was to encourage mindfulness and learn strategies to help us with big feelings and emotions. Also, to help us find way to be calm in our busy lives. The children loved listening to music and painting! It was fun but relaxing too. We also had a yoga session which included a bubble lamp and then investigated how calming nature can be by walking on the grass in bare feet, studying the ground closely using magnifying glasses and laying listening to the world around us. We ended the session by blowing and watching bubbles. 


On Thursday we learned about lifecycles. We learned about frogs and how they lay eggs called frogspawn. We acted out being frogspawn and wriggling to become tadpoles then growing legs and arms as we became froglets before growing up into frogs again. 


We started by using Google Earth to find Old Catton and Norwich and then zoomed out to see the whole county of Norfolk. The children thought about the things they already know about Norfolk and used the sights on Google Earth to help them. We learned that Norfolk has lots of beaches and lots of fields and trees too. We discovered that there are lots of things to do in Norfolk, like go to Cromer zoo and Bewilderwood, visit the castle and go to the seaside. Then we thought about questions we could ask to find out more information. We will use these ideas as we move forward with our topic learning to encourage the children's interests.