Week beginning 6th December
Still "There's a Lion in my cornflakes" and counting in 2, 5 and 10.
In English this week we are continuing to read “There’s a Lion in my Cornflakes.” We have been using pictures to sequence the events in the story and talking lots about the characters. We have made our own “Story Plate” (A way of using pictures to retell the story) and we will be having a go at writing our own stories later in the week.
Can you make a story plate for a story you have read at home? Retell it to somebody.
In maths we have been thinking again about odd and even numbers. We have been counting in 2’s from 0 and also using a bead string to count in 2’s starting at 1. We are going to be practising counting in 5’s from 0 and 10’s from 0 later in the week. Here are some songs to help.
Counting in 2’s
Counting in 5’s
counting in 10’s
Our topic work this week is continuing from last week when we learned about parts of our bodies. This week we are focussing on our senses – touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing. We will be finding out about how they work and trying to touch, taste, hear, see and smell different things.
Big Talk
This week for the big talk we would like you to think and talk about…
- What makes penguins so good at living in cold conditions?
- Can you think of other animals that live in such cold places?
- Would penguins make good pets?
- How do you think this penguin is feeling and why?
- If a penguin came to live with you how could it help you?