Heather Avenue

Infant School

Heather Avenue After-School Club

The After-School Club is open to all pupils in the school from 3:00- 6:00pm.

The children are collected from their classroom by a member of staff.  We do lots of fun activities!  

  • Mondays: Arts and Crafts
  • Tuesdays: Colouring
  • Wednesdays: Logical Games and Puzzles
  • Thursdays: Cooking
  • Fridays: Board Games

The cost for the provision of After School Club until 5:00pm for each is £6.00 per session or £7.50 until 6:00pm which includes a hot snack. 

Sessions can be booked ahead online via SCOpay or by contacting the school office email: office@heatheravenue.norfolk.sch.uk or phone: 01603 426438.

Payments should be made online via SCOpay where possible, although cash is accepted.

Please note that extra charges apply for late collection of children.