School Council
We have an active School Council which, which is facilitated by Ms Coleman, ensures all children's views are valued and listened to. They meet regularly to discuss items brought from individual weekly class councils and have made decisions for improving key areas within school. School Council members act as ambassadors for the school when we have visitors, with the oldest children showing all prospective guardians around our school.
Having both Class and School Councils enables all children to experience the true meaning of being an active citizen within school, as well as our local and global communities. The School Council raise funds to buy things around the school such as items for the playground. Children look at what we already have and decide on those items which they would like, in order to make their playtimes even more exciting.
Some of the activities completed by the School Council include:
- Super hero dress up day raising money for charity - Save the Children
- Adding ideas to FOHA Christmas Fair
- Organising and judging a class Christmas Tree competition
- Organising an end of term Christmas show
- Sponsored Bike/Scooter ride to raise money for charity - Sport Relief
- Adding ideas to new playground equipment design
- Pyjama Day to raise money for charity - Children in Need
- Organising a whole school 3D Easter Egg design competition
- Creating a list of 50 things to do before leaving Heather Avenue
- Making a decision about having a school pet - we now have two guinea pigs
- Purchasing more playground equipment and benches
- Making decisions on the after school clubs offered
- Deciding on next years 'International Weeks'
- Deciding on areas of the school grounds to decorate with murals