Burnham Market

Primary School


Please click on the items below to read more each area of our admissions process.


  • To provide clear objective criteria for admissions, to comply with Norfolk Children's Services guidelines, and to seek to ensure that parents and the school liaise together for the benefit of the children.
  • To ensure that if there are not enough places at the school in particular year groups, that the school is consistent in dealing with parents who express a preference for Burnham Market Primary School.


  • Burnham Market Primary School has an admission number of 15 per year.
  • The area served by the school is: Barwick, Burnham Market, Burnham Norton, Burnham Over Town, Burnham Overy Staithe, Burnham Thorpe, North Creake, South Creake , Stanhoe and Waterden.

Annual Reception Intake

Children are admitted to Reception classes to attend full time from September each year. Children start school at the beginning of the Autumn Term before their fifth birthday.

All applications are processed through Pupil Admissions at Norfolk Children’s Services at County Hall, Norwich. Details of the application process are published by the Admissions Team early in each autumn term in preparation for children to start school the following September.

The Governors do not wish any class in the school to have more than 30 pupils, as they believe large classes are likely to result in less effective education for the children.

If there are more applications than places available, preference will be given to  children living nearest the school according to the following rules in order of priority:

1. Children with an Education, Health and Care Plan naming the school.

2. Children in public care who are due to start school and live in the area served by the school.

3. Children who are due to start school, are living in the area served by the school and who have a brother or sister already attending the school at the time of their admission.

4. Other children due to start school and who are living within the area served by the school.

5. Children who are due to start school, living outside the area served by the school, who have a brother or sister attending the school at the time of their admission.

6. Children who are due to start school, living outside the area served by the school, who have no brother or sister at the school.

7. Children of staff where the member of staff has been employed by the Wensum Trust for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made.



Procedures for Admissions

Parents/carers of children joining Reception are invited to a welcome meeting to meet staff, receive key documents such as the school prospectus and ask any questions. All parents are strongly encouraged to attend these meetings as they ensure that a child’s education at Burnham Market Primary School can get off to a good start.

In-year Admissions

The school welcomes a number of older children over the course of the year, keeping to a reasonable number of pupils per year group. Parents considering enrolling their children are invited to visit the school at any mutually convenient time. Appointments may be made by telephone, letter or by calling in at school. Admissions should then be dealt with through Norfolk Children’s Services at County Hall, Norwich.

Transfer between schools

Parents are entitled to transfer their children to alternative schools during the year. They should ensure that this is in the child’s best interests. Norfolk Childrens’ Services use a common transfer form, which can be obtained from the school office.


Please refer to the SEND/Inclusion Policy concerning the SEND support on offer to children and how we support families to choose the right setting for their child with SEND. We aim to identify all children that may attract any additional funding such as EYPP, PPG, DAF SEND inclusion fund and any locally available funding streams with a view to submit a claim/application to support and improve their outcomes.


Click here to visit the Norfolk County Council Admissions Website