Kinsale retains its 'Good' status

Kinsale Junior School continues to be a Good school.
Ofsted confirmed the school has retained its Good rating after a visit by the education regulator on Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th September 2023.
The report highlighted that pupils at the school benefit from good relationships with adults, enjoy their lessons and like spending time with their friends.
Other strengths highlighted were:
- Pupils are positive about their school and are well cared for.
- Pupils know that teachers have high expectations of them and strive to do well.
- Lessons are calm and orderly.
- The curriculum is well designed to meet the needs of pupils, to support pupils to achieve well.
- Teachers are skilled in planning appropriate activities to ensure pupils do well.
- Teachers are consistent in applying the schools agreed behaviour policy.
- Calm and orderly classroom environments support all pupils, including those with SEND, to focus on their learning.
- The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
The report also recognises the value of the unique partnership the school has with the Zoological Society of East Anglia.
Lead Inspector, Bessie Owen, said: “Pupils’ broader development is a priority for the school. All pupils benefit from the school’s close links with the Zoological Society of East Anglia, for example. Pupils learn about important issues such as conservation. Pupils enjoy developing their skills and hobbies through attending clubs - choir and football are popular.”
Roz Robinson, head teacher at Kinsale Junior School, said: “I would like to thank all our children, parents and staff for their continued effort and hard-work to ensure Kinsale remains a Good school. The report is very positive and we will continue to build on our successes to provide the best opportunities and quality of education for our children.
“There is one observation in the report regarding a small minority of pupils who sometimes display unkind behaviour towards their peers outside lessons. Whilst I understand this may concern some parents, I would like to reassure them that this does relate to a small minority of pupils and we have already put in place additional measures to ensure consistency across the school when it comes to behaviour outside the classroom. These include revisiting the school rules regularly, the continuation of the Cool to be Kind’ award and we are holding assemblies focused on kindness.”
Daniel Thrower, CEO of Wensum Trust which Kinsale Junior School is part of, said: “This is the first inspection of the school since it joined the Trust in 2019. I am really pleased with how much we have achieved in the last four years to ensure the school has secured this Good rating.
“The report recognises that since joining the Trust, the curriculum offer has been revised, enabling children to achieve well and has raised the profile of reading. The Trust has further invested in this by funding a brand-new library in the school to provide more opportunities for pupils to expand their love of reading.
“I am also delighted the report has highlighted our partnership with the Zoological Society of East Anglia. This is one of a number of unique partnerships the Trust has in place to provide children with opportunities which will help them develop their life-skills and aspirations for the future.”
You can read the full Ofsted report below.