
Primary & Nursery School

Eco Council

Why do we have an Eco Council?

The Eco-Council is an ideal opportunity for our pupils to get more involved in the way Wells-next-the-Sea Primary and Nursery School is run and, most importantly, to help it to become more environmentally friendly. The Council benefits the whole school, pupils and teachers, because it provides opportunities for pupils to communicate their feelings as well as influence decisions that are made. Our committee members develop skills such as confidence, communication and negotiation. It is the responsibility of each member to ensure that they express both their own views and the views of the pupils from their class.

Who can be a member of the Eco Committee?

Each year pupils from Y1 – Y6 vote 2 members of their class to become part of the council. Once elected on to the eco council pupils retain their position until the end of that academic year.

What do we do?

WPNS Eco-Council meet regularly to discuss how we can make the school more environmentally friendly.

At the beginning of each year the Eco-Council carry out an environmental review and prepare an action plan for the whole school to engage in.

Throughout the year these targets form the basis of the work that Eco-Council does.

In the next few years the Eco-Council are hoping to:

· Monitor energy use in the school

· Introduce brown bins for fruit leftovers/peelings at break and lunchtime (which can then be composted)

· Plant more trees, plant vegetables and flowers around the school

· Help to promote healthy living

· Encourage the whole school to take part in various environmental competitions such as beach cleans.

For this academic year (2022/23) our Eco-Council action plan involves 3 targets, namely:

· Enhancing the biodiversity of our school grounds.

· Reducing the energy we consume in the school.

· Encouraging staff and pupils to help reduce the amount of litter around the school.