
Primary & Nursery School

'Good' News for Wells-next-the-Sea Primary & Nursery School

Wells-next-the-Sea Primary & Nursery School, situated within the Wensum Trust's Coastal Hub, has once again been recognised as a "Good" school in its latest Ofsted inspection report.

Wells-next-the-Sea Primary & Nursery were visited by Ofsted inspectors on the 18th and 19th of January 2022, and we are delighted to announce that our school was rated as 'Good'. The subsequent report, published in early March, was full of positive comments.

  • "In early years, teachers are ambitious for children to achieve. Pupils are curious about learning. They are happy and safe. Teachers are caring."
  • "Leaders and teachers have high expectations of pupils' behaviour. They want pupils to aim for interesting careers. Pupils concentrate in class and there is a calm atmosphere around the school."
  • "Teachers reward pupils for achievements both in and out of school. As a result, pupils behave well in class, are polite and have positive attitudes to learning."
  • "Leaders and teachers have worked together to design an interesting curriculum to inspire pupils. They have set out the key knowledge and vocabulary that pupils will learn. Teachers check pupils' readiness to learn. They also check how much pupils can remember. Teachers are careful with their explanations of concepts. They model the vocabulary they would like pupils to learn. They ensure that pupils have enough practice. As a result, pupils can remember a lot of what is taught."

"As a team, we are delighted with the Good rating of the school. This is a true testimony of the hard work and dedication of all stakeholders: pupils, staff, governors, parents and the support of The Wensum Trust."

- Rachel Stroulger, Headteacher


Mrs Stroulger continues to say: "I am incredibly proud of all that we have achieved and we will continue to constantly evaluate and develop the best provision we can, for our children, families and community."

Ofsted inspectors recognised the interesting curriculum that inspires our pupils and that children are curious, happy, safe and grow in confidence during their time at our school. Daniel Thrower adds: "Our school is fortunate to be located at the heart of a warm and wonderful community. All the staff have worked incredibly hard to maintain this rating, throughout some of the most challenging times in education."

"I am particularly pleased to read about how they help children to behave well and how they have succeeded in improving pupils social and emotional skills. At The Wensum Trust, our priority is to equip every child with the skills required to strengthen their emotional wellbeing and social inclusion, so that they can focus on learning and achieving their full potential."

- Daniel Thrower, CEO of The Wensum Trust

Each classroom at Wells-Next-the-Sea Primary and Nursery School has an emotion coaching station which means children have an opportunity to reflect on their feelings daily and discuss matters as they arise. All staff are trained in Emotion Coaching, helping to guide children to calmly use more effective responses, enabling teachers to proactively support children to meet expectations.

Click here to view a copy of this story in the Eastern Daily Press.