**COMING SOON** Early language Programme
According to research by Speech and Language UK (formerly I CAN), at least 1.7 million children in this country are behind with talking and understanding of words.
Wider research and data confirm this picture. The percentage of pupils formally identified as having a primary special need in speech, language and communication is steadily rising - up to 22.5% in 2021, compared with 18.8% in 2015.
In response to the identified need, both the revised EYFS statutory framework (DfE 2021) and The Reading Framework (DfE 2021) stress the importance of developing all children’s speech, language and communication skills as foundation skills for academic and social success. These documents highlight the need to focus on early spoken language because it is both the means through which children learn from adults, and an important means through which they demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the curriculum, and of themselves and the world.
The Early Language Programme is fully funded by the Department for Education and will be free for schools to attend. The course will consist of 6 sessions over the course of the year. Each session will last approximately 2.5 hours and will have a different focus covering the following:
What is language and how is it developed?
Supporting talk in schools
Teaching words and making them stick - extending and deepening pupils vocabulary
Identifying and supporting SLCN
Making change: Sustaining change
6th month review
Dates and times are as follows (venue TBC)
Session 1: 30th January 2023 9.30am-12pm
Session 2: 23rd February 2023 9.30am-12pm
Session 3: 28th March 2023 9.30am-12pm
Session 4: 23rd May 2023 9.30am-12pm
Session 5: 19th June 2023 9.30am-12pm
Session 6: 7th December 2023 9.30am-12pm
Delegates are expected to attend all 6 sessions.