Arden Grove Infant

& Nursery School

Our Vision and Values

Our Vision: A Learning for All School

  • We take account of each child and their family’s unique starting points, experiences and aspirations to create our curriculum. 
  • We use the Language of Parts to explicitly teach children to recognise their emotions, values, strengths and limitations and confidently support the development of their self-regulation skills so they are ready to learn.
  • We want our children to fulfil our values and be self believing, empathetic, aspirational, respectful, curious and healthy and this is delivered through our ambitious and child led curriculum.
  • We know children need a positive and secure sense of home and identity and this develops secure connections with people and places and the present.
  • However, we teach our children there are exciting things beyond our doorstep that they will want to explore: Hellesdon in our hearts, whole world at our feet.

Our Values

We aim for every child to fulfil our school values and become:

  • Self Believing: Understand themselves as people and be proud of their achievements. By knowing how to feel safe, and happy they develop a sense of their own identity, liking and respecting the person they are becoming, feeling liked and accepted by others. Therefore becoming more confident, motivated, resilient and compassionate.
  • Empathetic: Be confident communicators and excited to connect with others. Have the knowledge and strategies to understand and manage their own feelings and have the ability to empathise and support others. Know how important it is to understand their own and other’s feelings, views and values, showing care and respect for themselves, their family and friends.
  • Aspirational: Be happy and have resilience to overcome times of challenge in their lives and in our ever-changing world. Learn how to think and talk about their own learning and where it is taking them. Have the life skills and language to enable them to represent themselves and be understood in the world.
  • Respectful: Value the importance of building secure and positive relationships having experienced the strong partnership we build when working with our parents and carers. Find ways to make a positive contribution to the community they live in by taking care of themselves, others and the world around them. Children learn to treat others as they would like to be treated.
  • Curious: Enjoy learning and be excited to develop new knowledge and skills. Understand themselves as learners; know how they learn best and want to continue to learn and achieve, having experienced the success of achieving well from their starting point with us.
  • Healthy: Know that they need to take care of their minds and bodies so they are ready to grow and learn and be able to face challenges and solve problems and regulate. Learn how to form trusting and safe relationships with others and are able to make healthy and positive choices with increasing independence.






   We also share, promote and  embrace British Values. See the bottom of our page for how we embed British Values at Arden Grove. 


Our Trust

Arden Grove Infant & Nursery School officially became part of The Wensum Trust on 1 April 2017.

As part of The Wensum Trust, our school benefits from a wealth of opportunities to help achieve the Trust-wide ethos of developing happy and engaged children at all stages of the educational journey.

The Wensum Trust has schools situated within three geographical hubs across Norfolk, providing seamless transitions from early years through to sixteen plus. The City hub has schools in and around Norwich, the Rural hub includes schools in and around Acle and the Coastal hub comprises schools on the North Norfolk coast.

All three hubs work closely together to provide a rich and diverse range of experiences for children within all Trust schools. Community partnerships, often unique to The Wensum Trust, are developed locally with organisations such as the Norwich City Community Sports Foundation, North Walsham Rugby Club and Wells Sea Cadets, and made accessible across all three hubs. This creates an educational approach which is far broader and deeper than just the academic national curriculum and builds opportunities for all children to discover where they excel and to develop into confident, healthy and fulfilled members of society.  

For more information on The Wensum Trust, please visit their website using the link below.

The Wensum trust